How Does the IoT Work and How Will it Benefit Me?
What exactly is the IoT ( Internet of Things )? How does it work? Will everything eventually be part of it? How will it benefit me? Will it make my life easier for hackers to take advantage of? These are all questions that I was trying to get answered recently. I read probably a half of a dozen articles without really getting a clear picture of what it was and how it would affect my life. Don’t get me wrong, I got a fairly decent idea of what it was, but not fully. I realized that it meant that physical objects, such as my washing machine, would have sensors on it that could communicate with a repair guy when it broke. I thought that was nice, however, what if it wasn’t the repair guy I wanted? Did I have to set that up beforehand? Would the repair guy just call me out of the blue to schedule a time to come out and fix it before I even knew there was a problem? Or if I’m out of dish soap will Amazon send me some without ...